We keep working on it long after it looks good, well beyond it seems right. We don’t stop until Aha!

We put everything into our work—our skill, talent, heart. So our clients get the most out of it. 

With more than 20 years experience working with non-profit organizations, corporations, and individuals, we have developed proven, effective, innovative ways to communicate the vision, mission, and message of our clients to the audiences they serve.

Bringing a distinct Dutch design perspective to our base in New York City, we provide clients in all sectors with new and fresh ways of using communications to create results


Through a strong network of writers, photographers, illustrators, programmers, and public relations experts around the world, we create print publications, corporate/nonprofit identities, websites, and other digital publications, uniquely perfect for each client.

Our first priority and greatest strength is meeting the needs of the people we work for.

That means not only creating the right images and language to communicate their message, but also collaborating flexibly with their internal teams to deliver first-rate products on time and within budget.

By executing singular designs with broad appeal, we make great ideas visible.

— Daniëlla Van Gennep